Unlock. Unblock. Execute. I don't believe in sitting in the stands when building because bringing to life new things requires one to get involved. Product innovation can be driven by many factors, but there are very few people can actually design flexible architecture and then execute to ship rapidly.
My core subject matter expertise is product architecture, design, and execution for every facet of digital strategies. I prefer the pod model (ProdMgr, UX, UI, F/S devs, and DataSci) to drive for PoC/MVP and then move to PMF quickly so that you can rapidly iterate to scale.
The art of organizing a product's functional elements around the desired user utility exchange. This is best fulfilled when the core elements of the product (interfaces and engines) and the desired user outcome are achieved with minimum friction and maximum utility.
Mobile. I had spent the first 9 years of my product building life in the web world. The last 5 years have been predominantly mobile focused (culminating with working with Google Developer Labs in 2021-2022. Mobile is eating the world and the web is in the back seat and this will only exacerbate going forward.
Totally depends. Automation is going to be on the rise in the next 3-5 years as the advances in AI are starting to compound but the default setting for now is to augment the human user to increase productivity. This will be the greatest dilemma of the next generation and will have to be solved for.
The most important thing that has to be accomplished is the user utility exchange. Products that I have built that have had success either solve a real problem or they are simple, fun, and enjoyable. In either case, the verification of product market fit was someone paying money for it over and over.
Default alive. That is the most important thing in any startup venture. Y-Combinator has some great calculators (if you are interested) but if you do not achieve default alive...you are default dead. You have to create self-sustainability when creating new products as you find product market fit.
Preferably email. I do answer my email and I will get back to you. Spammers will get blocked and bad actors will be flagged. Social media DMs may/may not be responded to, so definitely just send me an email and let me know what you are interested in discussing.