Human By Design
This is the ideal outcome for 2024 relating to the current life evolutionary event we are going to live through that is catalyzed by Artificial Intelligence. We should all strive for this thesis. Kudos to Accenture for grabbing the ball and trying to make a play as Ai is a human civilization problem (as Fei-Fei Li eloquently denotes).
"This year’s Technology Vision comes at a time of expansive innovation in technology that is creating massive opportunities for leaders – from new ways to drive productivity to entirely new ways of doing business and tackling grand challenges. We identify actions to take today and also chart the steps to a future where technology transitions from a passive proxy to an active collaborator that engages with us through more natural interaction. This move to more human-like technology raises questions about the impact on people. In this year’s Vision, we explore this issue from all dimensions, centering on the importance of shaping technology that is human by design. Technology amplifies human creativity and productivity so we can create a positive impact for the most important part of any enterprise. People. Step boldly into this future with us, and together we can shape our use of technology.
We believe it's Human by design."
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