In the grand economic and political chessboard, currency manipulation, imperialism, and technological advancement serve as tactics and strategies wielded to concentrate power and wealth. While the former two have been instruments of the elite to maintain and expand their influence, technological advancement stands apart as a force that can democratize prosperity and reshape society in ways the other two cannot sustainably achieve.
Currency manipulation—a government’s interference to alter the value of its currency (aka "coin clipping")—is often used to gain short-term economic advantages, such as making exports cheaper or to settle scores in trade battles. It’s a power play, a gambit in the hands of the ruling class to twist the economic landscape in their favor. However, this is a zero-sum game. Artificially propping up an economy through currency manipulation is a fleeting victory. It can lead to inflation, or worse, hyperinflation, and often ends in economic ruin, hurting society at large while momentarily benefiting the elite.
Imperialism, on the other hand, is the geopolitical equivalent of a land grab. It’s the subjugation of one society by another and historically has been the tool of choice for the ruling class to expand their dominion and wealth. The social impact is undeniable, often resulting in the suppression of the conquered peoples' culture, exploitation of resources, and forced economic policies. Yet, imperialism bears the seeds of its destruction. It breeds resentment and resistance, ultimately leading to its downfall or to costly efforts to maintain dominance. The British Empire, the sun has set; the Roman Empire, but ruins—imperialism's lifeline is finite.
Technological advancement is the outlier that truly changes the game. It is the embodiment of human innovation and ingenuity that propels societies forward. Unlike currency manipulation or imperialism, technology is a tide that lifts all boats, the true egalitarian force that can redistribute power from the elite to the masses. From the printing press to the internet, each significant leap in technology has disseminated knowledge, disrupted hierarchies, and spurred economic growth that is more evenly spread among the populace.
For the elite, technology can be a double-edged sword. While initially it may increase their wealth and control—as we’ve seen with the tech giants of Silicon Valley—the ripple effects create opportunities that erode the monopolies of the old guard. New sectors emerge, power structures are challenged, and a more robust middle class arises, as witnessed during the Industrial Revolution and the current Digital Age.
The sustainability of technological advancement far outstrips the other two concepts. Currency manipulation is a delicate juggling act that can quickly spiral out of control, and imperialism is an exercise in entropy, always on the brink of collapse from its own overreach. Technology, however, marches forward, seldom regressing, driven by the insatiable human thirst for improvement and problem-solving.
While currency manipulation and imperialism are tools of the past, used by the elite to forge empires and fleeting economic victories, they are ultimately unsustainable due to their divisive and consumptive nature. Technological advancement stands as the only true infinite game in progress, an endless frontier of possibility that reshapes societies, empowers individuals, and has the potential to create a more equitable distribution of wealth and power, heralding not just the rise of the new elite but the ascent of all humanity.